Solid and Transparent Corporate Governance Mechanism
E.SUN Financial Holding Co., Ltd.
The Company was established by a team of outstanding banking professionals, thus creating a true “banker’s bank.” The Company is the only Taiwanese bank that is not affiliated with any financial group or government agencies. Since it was founded, the Company has made establishment of prudent policies and procedures, cultivation of talents, and development of information technology, the three pillars of its quest for long-term development, and upheld a business culture of “expertise, integrity, and enthusiasm.” To pursue a better corporate governance, E.SUN FHC Corporate Governance Best Practice Principles was formulated as the standard for internal management and operation. The Company has been committed in becoming the leader in corporate governance among Taiwanese companies. By learning from external consultants and following international best practices, the Company constantly improves management in aspects of board of directors, stakeholders’ interests, and transparency and disclosure.FRAMEWORK AND STRATEGY
To ensure an effective quality of board decisions, five function committees under the board of directors comprising entirely or partially of independent directors were established and responsible for deliberating proposals and major issues in strategy and operation. The Company has a well-designed director election system, which is a fair and open process abiding by the Articles of Incorporation and Rules for the Election of Directors. Furthermore, the Company established the Rules for the Election of Directors and made mid and long-term plans for director structure and diversification according to the Company’s industry characteristics and future development strategies. Additionally, in order to ensure a functioning board of directors and effective corporate governance, the Company established the “Board of Directors Performance Evaluation Policy”. The board of directors and functional committees undergo annual evaluations based on their previous year’s performance. The results will be reviewed by the Corporate Governance and Nomination Committee and then submitted to the board of directors for improvement in the future.ACHIEVEMENT AND IMPACT
The Company continues to strengthen competency of the Board, improve management capabilities of the management team, advocate for shareholders’ rights by enhancing information transparency to fulfill its corporate social responsibility. After great efforts by the management and employees, the Company was selected as a constituent stock of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index for 6 consecutive years and received an AA rating from MSCI ESG. The Company also received a long-term credit rating of A3 from Moody’s, which is the best performance among any private sector financial holding company in Taiwan. Besides, the Company receives a long-term credit rating A- from S&P and twAA+ from Taiwan Rating. This is also the 6th consecutive year in which the Company’s credit ratings or outlook were increased by international and domestic rating agencies. Lastly, the Company ranked Top 5% in the Corporate Governance Evaluation by TWSE for the 6th consecutive year.FUTURE DIRECTION
To become the bank of overall excellence and the most respected company in Taiwan, the Company will continue to work towards overall business performance, corporate social responsibility, and sustainable development. In addition to refining its financial business, the Company will devote resources into CSR efforts and in accordance with E.SUN Financial Holdings Corporate Social Responsibility Best Practice Principles. Moving forward, the Company will enhance corporate governance, pursue environmental sustainability, promote public interests and employee care, and strengthen the disclosure and transparency, creating more positive influences on the society.
E.SUN was founded in 1992 and the Company has set the standard for
Taiwanese financial and banking services with its professionalism, prudent
management, and excellent customer service. Named after Mt. Yushan,
the highest mountain in Taiwan, the Company’s vision is to become the
bank of overall excellence and the most respected company in Taiwan.
The Company operated 139 branches in Taiwan and 28 overseas locations
in 9 countries and regions.