Transitioning towards a Circular Power Business Model
從物料再生到策略轉型- 打造循環再生的電力商業模式
Taiwan Power Company
The concept of a circular economy offers a framework that allows new business models to emerge by identifying opportunities for optimising resource efficiency. The promotion of a circular economy enables industrial symbiosis and the realisation of a zero-waste society. A number of leading global economies, such as those of the EU, the U.S., China and Japan, have joined the circular economy movement. Recently, the Taiwanese government has also identified circular economics as an important component of its “five-plus-two innovative industries initiative”. There are many examples of international businesses that have adopted circular economic frameworks and experienced successes through the resulting innovative business models and industrial symbiosis. In an effort to both emulate these successes and achieve environmental sustainability, Taipower has undertaken the systematic transformation of its business model into a circular one and this transformation will allow Taipower to further reduce its environmental impact while increasing business benefits and embrace innovation with the ultimate aim of becoming a truly sustainable, world-class energy group.FRAMEWORK AND STRATEGY
Taipower established a solid foundation for adopting a circular economic approach by implementing various measures aimed at integrating resource efficiency, recycling and reuse. These include carbon emission assessment and verification, and monitoring of water use, material flows and energy management. With the recent promulgation of an “Environmental White Paper” that outlines the Company’s long-term environmental sustainability strategy, Taipower initiated a 3-year project for planning and implementing the circular economic model. The three main strategies are defining a strategy and roadmap for circular economic transition, implementation of five circular economic business models which includes trials to reuse coal ash in construction, research and planning of offshore wind and marine farm ecosystems and promoting biomass electricity generation. Lastly, communicate and promote circular economic ideas and results by holding forums on the circular transition of the utility industry, arranging exhibitions and workshops on creative circular design.ACHIEVEMENT AND IMPACT
Taipower has completed a material flow system that covers all of its 52 departments. The system allows the Company to manage materials with regards to byproduct reuse, pollution control, and increases overall resource efficiency. The main results of the system have included coal ash reuse, 86.7% of the 2,390,000 tons of coal ash produced in 2019 was reused. A total of 230,000 tons of rainwater were collected and reused in 2018 and 2,170,000 tons of water were reused in thermal power plants. Taipower is also promoting circular economies externally by holding exhibitions that showcases over 20 pieces of art to draw public attention through media coverage and by inviting experts to speak in forums in which over 700 people participated.FUTURE DIRECTION
Following Taipower’s initial 3-year circular economy project, the Company plans to deepen and widen its implementation of circular transition. The main directions for these efforts will include an integrated and systematic approach to define the blueprints for circular economic strategies and implementation of related target plans. The application of experience with by-products reuse to more materials. This will be accompanied by an increase in the scale and scope of projects with an aim of implementing a circular model through the value chain. The setup of management systems and KPIs that enhance cross-function communications within the organisation. The Company’s future goals will be to define potential circular materials and initiation of feasibility trials for business models by 2021 and the realisation of a circular supply business model by 2025.
The Taiwan Power Company (Taipower) was established in 1946. It is an
integrated, electric utility company with businesses in power generation,
transmission, distribution and services. Its primary energy sources include
thermal power, hydro power and other forms of renewable energy.