Sustainable Computing for a Sustainable Planet
Rentwise Sdn. Bhd.
Research found that 15 laptop’s carbon footprint is equivalent to a car’s. Yet a laptop’s standard economic lifespan is less than a quarter of a car’s (ie 15 years) when not repurposed. Very few IT users are aware their laptop and/or desktop PC’s carbon footprint is 350kg and 800kg respectively, where up to 85% of its carbon footprint is attributed to the production process. Over consumption has led to an adverse impact on the planet and accelerates global warming causing many irreversible climate changes experienced today. From inception, the company began championing the need for a circular IT business model where it repurposes technology back to the market either through a lease to use model or a sale, both of which the user is subsequently encouraged to return or sell back the computer to the company at the end of use. Remanufacturing of computers is a rigorous 16- step process, accredited via an audit commissioned by the Ministry of International Trade and Industries (MITI).FRAMEWORK AND STRATEGY
Clients are corporates and SMEs who find remanufactured PCs work as well as new PCs in most general functions (admin, clerical, production, etc) and appreciate the support and warranty structure Rentwise provides from the start to the end of the usage period of these machines. Recipients are also schools and NGOs (39 and growing) who have reached out for assistance to set up their IT learning facilities. All computers going to schools are remanufactured, donated and supported - a collaboration between Rentwise and a number of key clients who have the same social empowerment goals towards educating the young generation.ACHIEVEMENT AND IMPACT
Over the past 19 years, the Company has processed approximately 360,103 units of computers, averaging 20,000 units per annum. More than 80% successfully re-entered the lifecycle loop to be reused, while the remaining were recycled via Department of Environment’s (DOE) certified recyclers. Each and every computer processed and/or redeployed is tracked and up to 75% of carbon has been shaved from polluting the environment whenever a computer is remanufactured for repurpose. As such, a whopping total of 212,800 tonnes of carbon, equivalent to 1,900 metric tonnes of e-waste was prevented from negatively impacting the environment. As for societal impact, the Company have embarked more than 39 CSR campaigns, replacing outdated and/or non-functional ICT infrastructure for needy organisations benefitting more than 20,840 school children nationwide.FUTURE DIRECTION
The next milestone for the Rentwise is to double its remanufacturing capacity through production automation, optimisation and digitalisation and scale the volume of repurposed computers per annum. The Company is playing an instrumental role in policy-making and is working with the government to gazette a national remanufacturing blueprint in the electrical and electronics sector. ICT based learning in schools is a necessity today where ICT equipment acquisition requires substantial budgets that are not always available. The Company is working to address this challenge by engaging into a Private-Public-Partnership programme, to remanufacture 50% of government used PCs for subsequent redeployment back into public schools. This produces multipronged benefits - environmental, societal and monetary. The Company is also calling on corporate companies in Malaysia to join them in this mission to advocate the repurposing of IT equipment that benefits the young and upcoming generation.
Rentwise Sdn Bhd is a provider of Green IT Infrastructure Services
and a social enterprise. Founded in August 2001, the company began
with a small team of 3 Sales and 3 Operations personnel. Today they
have grown to an organisation of more than 80 people, spread over 3
independent but complementary business units. Rentwise acquires
used computers from organisations when these computers are retired.
Through a remanufacturing process, these computers are then restored
to a ‘as-new condition’ and repurposed again for another 2 cycles before
eventual retirement.