AcBel Polytech Inc. | Asia Responsible Enterprise Awards

We Strive to Uphold a Quality Joyous Work Environment

AcBel Polytech Inc.


AcBel is persistently dedicated to providing a safe, healthy and cozy work environment and to taking care of all employees, as its unwavering assurances to the employees. The Company is also actively engaged in creating a friendly work environment with “zero pollution, zero occupational injuries and zero work accidents”, constructing a “career development” platform, and building a joyful enterprise where “employees work contentedly, families feel supported, the environment is healthy and relaxing, and everyone works as a team and with devotion”.


AcBel has applied the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), set by the UN, as a framework for the company development, which combines with the corporate core vision, enterprise value chain and social responsibilities. The Company also value integrity, fairness, and employee relationship management as important guidelines of executing “human capital investment”. Moreover, the Company has carried out projects on PDCA cycle to retain and nurture the talented. The projects include “Self Realisation”, “Family Care”, and “Health and Joyfulness”.


To encourage bilateral development between the employees and the company, AcBel creates an employee-centered joyous corporate through various extensive professional development projects. The followings demonstrate the achievements of the Tamsui Plant:
  • The investment in the employee salary benefits was as 16.89% of the overall revenue in 2017.
  • The employee maternity expenditure was NTD 9.9 million between 2016 and 2018.
  • The general staff turnover rate remained stable and the recent 4-year average turnover rate has remained at 1.62% between 2015 and 2018. The average employee salary increase was 3.5% in 2018.
  • The goal of “zero pollution, zero occupational injuries and zero work accidents” was achieved in 2018.
  • None of child labor, labor disputes, violations of gender equality and sexual harassment was reported in the recent 3 years.


AcBel will work towards constructing a “Joyful AcBel with Corporate Sustainable Development Momentum” as the developmental blueprint and strengthening efforts in three perspectives of “Self Realisation and Continual Development”, “Optimisation of Corporate Management System” and “Care for Employees and Families”. The Company will also provide competitive packages and work environment to maintain employees’ momentum in promoting self- improvement. Ultimately, AcBel will extend their support and care to employees’ family and the local communities to create a sustainable corporate that “dedicates to providing a quality and joyful workplace”.
AcBel Polytech Inc. was established in 1981 in Taiwan. Its primary business is to research, develop and distribute power supplies. Having extended into compound energy and smart aggregation, AcBel, therefore, creates a better living environment for the human beings.