CTBC Financial Holding Co., Ltd. | Asia Responsible Enterprise Awards

Green Management on Sustainable Environment

CTBC Financial Holding Co., Ltd.

“By expanding from “energy conservation and carbon reduction,” “resource management” and “green building” to “green services” and “green purchasing,” we can protect planet Earth together and become the most environmentally-friendly green financial institution. “


Effective management of environmental risks can lead to significant economic benefits for businesses and is also an integral part of the CTBC corporate social responsibility culture. An “Environmental Sustainability Task Force” has been established by CTBC to prevent potential environmental impacts from being incurred by our business operations and services and to ensure our commitment to “Green Policy, Green Future” is continuously fulfilled. Environmental risk identification, analysis, assessment, monitoring and response processes have been put into place to monitor and track all life-cycle impact factors and reduce the negative environmental impacts incurred by our services. We are also fully committed to efforts in pollution prevention, energy conservation, carbon reduction and environmental protection.


To gradually bring about the realization of this global objective, CTBC will develop and provide services that contribute to the mitigation of climate change in the future. Actual implementation will be based on the continued promotion of the “energy conservation, carbon reduction and environmental protection” philosophy. By expanding from “energy conservation and carbon reduction,” “resource management” and “green building” to “green services” and “green purchasing,” we can protect planet Earth together and become the most environmentally-friendly green financial institution.


Electricity accounts for the bulk of energy consumption by CTBC. Between 2012 and 2014, electricity consumption continued to decrease in terms of both total usage and intensity for three consecutive years due to the implementation of power-saving initiatives. The launch of operations at the CTBC Financial Park in 2015 as well as an increase in the number of employees and volume of business meant that electricity usage jumped by 30.5% compared to the average over the past three years. The adoption of green building and energy-efficient equipment, however, meant that the average power consumption per capita in 2015 increased by only 22.5% over the average for the preceding three years. Electricity usage intensity per square meter also decreased by 4.6%. It is therefore clear that CTBC has made significant improvements in terms of electricity efficiency.

CTBC continued to move ahead on our integration plan for energy resources in 2016. Our new target sets 2014 as the baseline year with electricity usage to be reduced by 2% a year, and 6% within 3 years for total savings of 780,000 kWh. Emissions of greenhouse gases are expected to be reduced by more than 400,000 tonnes.


CTBC has always incorporated environmental protection through sustainability into every aspect of our operations. We started with internal energy conservation and resource efficiency improvements through education, management systems, environmental initiatives and value-chain engagement. We then expanded our efforts to cooperation with upstream and downstream business partners to leverage the power of teamwork and maximize our contribution to the future natural environment.
CTBC Financial Holding Co., Ltd. was established on May 17, 2002 and headquartered in Taipei Taiwan, with over 26,000 employees worldwide, and has150 domestic branches and 108 overseas outlets. CTBC Holding’s subsidiaries include banking, insurance, securities, securities investment trust, venture capital, asset management, security and lottery. Looking ahead, CTBC will continue to uphold its brand spirit of “We are family” and corporate mission of “Protect and Build” as we strive to create values for customers, shareholders, and the society.