Shah Cement Industries Ltd | Asia Responsible Enterprise Awards

Shah Cement - ‘Aamar Nirmaney Ami’: Durable Construction Through Self Awareness

Shah Cement Industries Ltd

25,000 Individual house builders were trained over the 10 years and the project has ensured both physical and mental safety due to proper and safe construction


‘Aamar Nirmaney Ami’ is designed to empower individual house builders with necessary knowledge of sound construction practices for durable structures which will withstand the test of time. The project generates mass awareness of building code and safety precautions for strong and enduring construction. In the event all individual house owners make strong construction collectively the city will be safer place for everybody to live. The economic, social and environmental impact of the project is therefore significant. Shah Cement, the leader of the infrastructure development of the country, firmly believes that customer satisfaction and corporate responsibility are the way to build a better and brighter future, not only for itself but also for the nation. In spite of having good quality building materials; construction quality remains vulnerable, especially in the face of natural disaster due to the lack of awareness and sound construction practices.

‘Aamar Nirmaney ami’, the first ever initiative by a commercial organization Bangladesh, was launched in 2003 and continues delivering sound construction knowledge involving potential house owners, masons, contractors and resource persons. Its goal is to promote good and safe construction practices in Bangladesh through awareness building and construction knowledge sharing.


The project’s method involves identifying the homebuilders who face criticality during or pre-construction period, the call for an invitation for attending the ‘Aamar Nirmaney Ami’ workshop at their convenient time, educating safe construction practices so that they can build Safe Houses for the generations to come, and a follow-up and support by a technical team to ensure the right construction practices.

The project delivers sound construction knowledge to potential house owners through active involvement (training) integration (mason, supervisors) and technical assistance (engineer’s support & publications). This project is the first ever initiative by a commercial organization in Bangladesh to launch a program like this. It is the only integrated program involving potential house owners, masons, contractors and resource persons. Launched in 2003, it has now been sustained successfully for over 10 years.


In terms of direct contribution, 25, 000 Individual house builders were trained over the 10 years and the project has ensured both physical and mental safety due to proper and safe construction. Indirectly, the project ensures that both house owners and stakeholders must have applied the knowledge in new construction project. Emulating the success of this program HBRI also helps realize the importance of such a program with longer duration and launched their own.

The project is constantly evaluated and is continuously upgraded based on the feedback provided by the training participants. Its continuous engagement with house owners and improves new change in the program based on the new and includes things on the actual construction process.


Shah Cement aims to go digital and to leverage on Internet Connectivity and interactivity for a wider reach of the program. It aims to launch a Construction Academy for skill upgrading of masons and continue knowledge sharing through seminars by world-renowned engineers on global good construction practices.
Shah Cement Industries Ltd has been the leading cement brand of Bangladesh for over 12 years. It’s a concern of Abul Khair Group, one of the largest groups of companies in the country. The group has a rich portfolio of businesses in the areas of cement, steel, ceramics, tobacco and consumer products. Most of the company brands are in the leading position locally with a growing export footprint.