PT Combiphar | Asia Responsible Enterprise Awards

COMBI HOPE Healthy Living Education

PT Combiphar

In its first year after its kick-off, the program has exceeded its target reaching almost 3,000 students in 14 high schools spread across the greater Jakarta area and city of Bandung, West Java


As a manifesto of Combiphar’s commitment to championing a healthier Indonesia, COMBI HOPE Healthy Living Education, which is part of the Company’s COMBI HOPE CSR initiative, was launched in early 2014 to provide a critical platform in enhancing literacy and access to practical health education for the nation’s youth. The program is designed to educate and inspire Indonesia’s young generation, focusing on senior high school students to start adopting healthy lifestyles starting from an early age. Through a simple, fun, interactive and inspiring approach, COMBI HOPE Healthy Living Education aims to give a better understanding to Indonesian youth on health issues. Currently over 42 million of the youth, aged 10-19 years, make up around 20% of the Indonesian population. To make a significant contribution to the nation’s youth, Combiphar has embarked on a mission to positively influence and inspire high school students – who are at the age of experimentation and self discovery – to appreciate their health and to gain a better understanding on the importance and impact of lifestyle disease prevention, which is on the rise globally and in Indonesia.


COMBI HOPE is designed to educate and inspire Indonesia’s young generation, focusing on senior high school students to start adopting healthy lifestyles starting from an early age. Through a creative campaign theme entitled “A Healthy Tomorrow Starts Today”, COMBI HOPE Healthy Living Education program promotes a simple but practical educational module consisting of educational material.

As a critical asset of the program, Volunteers are recruited from within the organization and come from various divisions in the Company. The Board of Directors effectively rolled out the volunteerism initiative in Combiphar acting as Volunteers at the kick off of the program. Participating staff volunteers receive training on effective teaching methods in dealing with huge audiences, teenagers and delivering messages effectively from partner YCAB, an NGO that has dedicated itself to educating and empowering youth through various education platforms reaching more than 2.2 million students in approximately 7,200 schools with 35 learning centres across Indonesia since its establishment in 1999.


Originally targeted at approximately 2,000 students in the greater Jakarta area at the launch of CombiHope, in its first year after its kick-off, the program has exceeded its target reaching almost 3,000 students in 14 high schools spread across the greater Jakarta area and city of Bandung, West Java. The increase in reach achieved during the first year was mainly due to requests by several high schools to hold additional Healthy Living education sessions for their students, thus reflecting the effectiveness of the education module.

After each COMBI HOPE Healthy Living Education session, feedback is gathered in the form of a random survey to the targeted schools, teachers and volunteers rating the program’s activities from 1 – 5. Questions asked range from: “Do you feel Combi Hope Healthy Living Education is a beneficial program?” to “would you attend a similar session in the future?”. At the end of 2014, the average satisfaction rating for the healthy living education program was 4.3 out of 5, an encouraging result for its first year.


With the continued support from its Board of Directors and Employees, Combiphar ensures the sustainability of its COMBI HOPE CSR program through the continued strategic collaboration with reputable and experienced partners such as YCAB, and seeks additional strategic partners which can further enrich the program in the future. Combiphar also continues to encourage all levels across the organization to actively take part in living the Company’s commitment in championing a healthy tomorrow as volunteers in the program. Starting in 2015, a new aspect is being introduced to the program, through a “role model sharing session” which features various partner communities among others, Indo Runners, the largest running community in Indonesia with over 12,000 runners as well as an up and coming local boy band, “5 Romeo”, who share their health secrets and provide inspirational success stories aimed to motivate the youth to adopt healthy and positive lifestyles. This year, the program aims to increase its reach to approximately 20% more students in 18 schools in greater Jakarta are and city of Bandung. Plans are underway to take this initiative nationwide in the years to come.
The COMBI HOPE initiative, created and managed by the Corporate Communication & Community Development (CCCD) division, was established in mid 2013, not long after the CCCD division was set up in Combiphar. Its mission was to create a sustainable CSR program which supported the Company’s brand promise “Championing a Healthy Tomorrow” through an approach aimed at building and educating communities. The COMBI HOPE CSR program comprises 2 key pillars, Education & Empowerment.