Other unique innovation is to plant bamboo along the river and pond bank up to 2,500 Ha. The bamboo is not only preventing soil erosion but also act as CO2 sequestration, reducing green house gases.
P.T. Great Giant Pineapple
Other unique innovation is to plant bamboo along the river and pond bank up to 2,500 Ha. The bamboo is not only preventing soil erosion but also act as CO2 sequestration, reducing green house gases.
Sustainability in GGP is company strategy not only for managing risk, meeting the compliance and regulation, but also for encouraging competitiveness and innovation. Regarding the environment, company goal is not only minimising the risk but also used as company business strategy. Measuring carbon footprint initiative has been one in 2009 and company goal is to reduce 15% by 2017. star footprint initiative and implementation of energy management system based on ISO 50001 is planned to e implement in 2015. Other initiative of sustainability is to produce sustainability strategy roadmap that is planned to complete in end of 2014.FRAMEWORK AND STRATEGY
PT GGP isintegrated company who produce zero of id waste.an The pulp from pineapple is used to feed 5,000 heads of cattle, and the cow dung from the attle later through composting is used as organic ertilizer in the pineapple plantation. This operation is integrated and close system.They also extract liquid from pineapple stem to produce pharmaceutical grade of bromelain enzyme. he pineapple plantation is not only use solid compost manure from cow dung, but also use Liquid Organic Bio-fertiliser (LOB) to maintain the soil health and fertility.
GGP through its Biogas Plant is considered the first one in the world to combine water waste from pineapple and tapioca factory. It is also the first one in pineapple industry to use anaerobic UASB (Up-flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket) system and resulted in producing high field biogas. The water waste combination has been bserved and developed together with the contractor.
Using biogas from water waste in steam and electric power plant production is the first one in Indonesia The power generation can be up to 2 MW electricity GGP is also the first company in Indonesia to build large scales modern organic fertiliser plant and using different system in turning the compost.
With all these investments and vision to be the Green Company. Great Giant Pineapple has shown great impacts fo the environment and its business. Through its well research developments the impacts will be a long-term and congruously The company had other initiatives that are close related t sustainability and worth to get recognition. Reduce consumptio of under ground water for irrigation, and replace it with surface water.Management of solid and liquid waste that could be converte to a value added product. Several social activities such a education, partnership with farmers through Private Partnership Program (PPP) in papaya and guava have increase lots community welfare. Capacity building for local community suc as sewing training and rural biogas production for cooking ha been developed. Other unique innovation is to plant bambo along the river and pond bank up to 2,500 Ha. The bamboo is no only preventing soil erosion but also act as CO2 sequestration reducing green house gases. Now the bamboo has economic value to company.
The future plan for GGP’s Sustainability is to improve the initiatives that had been done. Focusing for the improvement is to achieve target of reducing fuel consumption by 30% an chemical usage by 40%. The others are improving the soda initiatives for community development to develop community welfare, annual sustainability report, and establishing the sustainability roadmap.
P.T. Great Giant Pineapple is located in Central Lampung Regency, Lampung Province, Indonesia, has evolved to be the world’s largest fully integrated pineapple plantation and processing facility. The company produced canned pineapple, pineapple concentrated juice, de-ionized pineapple concentrated juice, and tropical fruit salad. It was established in 1979 cultivating cassava plant, and later in 1980 start to plant pineapple. Currently the plantation size is 30,000 Ha.