Partnership with Care Singapore
Dimension Data (Singapore) Pte Ltd

“We believe we can make a difference. Every day, we enable our clients to do great things through the use and adoption of technology.”

It is in our DNA to improve the way the world works and lives. Our most valuable asset is our people who are encouraged to exceed their potential, make a real difference to local communities, and acquire new skills and expertise. This is realized by offering unique opportunities to learn, develop and grow one’s career in a multi-cultural, and having a diverse global organization. To achieve that, we understood the importance of creating an inspiring culture where employees are empowered to innovate and create their own future. In Dimension Data, we embraced inclusion and diversity as a powerful catalyst for our continued success. Our organization is made up of diverse teams of highly motivated people who are collaborative and focused on delivering exceptional value to our clients. Dimension Data, adopts the widest approach to take care of our people beyond fulfilling their career aspiration.Corporate Social Responsibility is another key focus area as we truly believe that whilst we have taken care of our employees, we should also help them to support the underprivileged in the community. In response to the increase in numbers for youth support services, we have partnered with Care Singapore to support their students. Our objective for this partnership was to promote equal opportunities by empowering the under-privilege youths. so that they are given the right resources to excel and reach their fullest potential. This program also serves as an opportunity for students to understand the expectation of the workforce and to cultivate a learning attitude in every child.
Starting March 2017, Dimension Data Singapore started the partnership with Care Singapore on a project for animal conservation. This project not only ties in to our #connectedconservation project is to harness the power of technology to protect the rhino and other endangered species for future generations. The project acts as a vehicle for us to engage with the youth, stimulate the interest levels and equip them with the necessary knowledge and skillsets to prepare them for the future workspace.Students of Care Singapore were tasked to work in groups of 5, there were 3 teams in total. In ensuring that they were given the right amount of resource and guidance, each team was assigned with a mentor to help facilitate their research and understanding of the project. The students were then asked to research on the topic; “How technology can help to conserve animals?”, followed by a presentation for all their hard work. We also involve our employees by calling for volunteers to be in the panel of judges and our CEO were also present to share on innovative technology Dimension Data has used to prevent the poaching of Rhinos.
By allowing every student to research and explore on the different ways technology could be utilized while providing them the support through mentorship, it has helped to gradually build up their confidence for the presentation in front of our judges. The engagement between all parties has proven to be very effective as at the end of the session, we were able to inspire them to work hard to achieve greater heights. The students gradually express interest in Dimension Data’s mode of business and projects and wanted to find out how they can join our organization when they are older. It was a fruitful session as their ideas were limitless and creative, not only did we inspire them, but we also learnt a lot from the students in return.FUTURE DIRECTION
Dimension Data Singapore will continue its effort to promote equal opportunities by empowering the under-privilege youths, so that they are given the right resources to excel. In addition, we will explore other forms of collaboration to help protect the earth, society and people.
Dimension Data is a global technology integrator and managed services provider that helps our clients do great things through the use and adoption of technology. We bring together the world’s best technology provided by market leaders and niche innovators and providing you with the service support that you need for your business – from consulting, technical, and support services to a fully managed service. As a proud member of the NTT family, our continued investment in innovation enables us to find new ways to deliver services to you today, while also keeping an eye on the future.