Mengniu Nutrition for All Program
China Mengniu Dairy Company Limited

The strength of a nation depends on the strength of its young people. Therefore, it is the mission of Mengniu to provide nutritional and healthy products to youngsters in China.

Good nutrition is essential for growing teenagers, allowing their body to grow and develop properly. Calcium is one of the most important nutrients, which helps to build strong bones and teeth. And milk is commonly recognized as best sources of calcium.Mengniu, as an industry-leading nutritional and healthy food company, has carried on CSR program since 2017, named “Mengniu Nutrition for All”. It’s not just donate milk to students in remote areas in China, it help young people promoting healthy consciousness and habit with nutritional food.
Since being certified as “Authorized Student Milk Production Enterprise in China” in 2002, Mengniu has offered milk to students over one hundred schools free of charge every year. In 2017, it donated 200,000 cases (4,800,000 pieces) milk, covering 157 districts, 209 schools and 40,000 students. The entire production process of the Mengniu milk, from selection of milk source, production, transportation to quality inspection, is operated by dedicated personnel with high standard. That’s turn to the products with good quality higher than national standards. It ensures the safety and nutritional value of the milk products. The donation process also maintains a high level of quality. It sticks to a set of clearly defined procedures and responsibilities, covering taking of orders from schools, transportation, collection, distribution, and consumption and recycling, with specific standard requirements.ACHIEVEMENT AND IMPACT
The Program is not all about donation, but care about the health of youngsters and advocacy of “spiritual companionship” as well. Mental health of children is as important as body health. Industry experts, business partners and celebrities in the community are invited by Mengniu to participate in giving special lessons on nutrition to children in schools. They share with students their knowledge and healthy lifestyle and habits, and pass a proper way to consume milk to teachers and student, in the same time lead children to be responsible for their own health.FUTURE DIRECTION
The strength of a nation depends on the strength of its young people. Therefore it is the mission of Mengniu to provide nutritional and healthy products to youngsters in China. Through “Mengniu Nutrition for All Program”, Mengniu together with different society parties, is aimed to providing nutritional food to help children and elderly in poverty-stricken areas, plus exploring ways to rid intergenerational poverty starting in the childhood stage of people. As a dairy enterprise serving the nation, Mengniu promises to apply its best ability to provide quality products and scientific services and fulfill the responsibility of promoting healthy development of young people in China.
China Mengniu Dairy Company Limited, founded in 1999 and listed in Hong Kong in 2004, is China’s leading dairy product supplier and ranks among the world’s Top 11 Dairy Enterprises. It is committed to providing consumers with diverse product choices, including liquid milk, ice cream, milk formula and other products (e.g., cheese). Mengniu has established strategic cooperation with Arla from Denmark, Danone from France, WhiteWave from the US and AsureQuality from New Zealand, therefore access to premium resources worldwide, which it integrates to the advantage of its business.