IRPC Public Company Limited | Asia Responsible Enterprise Awards

IRPC Cubic Academy

IRPC Public Company Limited

“Apart from personnel development, IRPC also offers outsiders, who are considered stakeholders and are interested in participating in the project, opportunities to join the program and gain useful knowledge. “


IRPC has organized the IRPC CUBIC ACADEMY project with an aim to develop its personnel to achieve their highest potential in order to strengthen the organization by integrating bodies of knowledge to improve and promote it towards an intellectual society, in which learning is continuous, and is the key towards survival and sustainability. Participants will be fulfilled with knowledge and understanding of social responsibilities and corporate governance to gain knowledge and insights into good corporate governance, anti-corruption, responsible entrepreneurship practices, sustainability management with ESG, and organizational image building. Apart from personnel development, IRPC also offers outsiders, who are considered stakeholders and are interested in participating in the project, opportunities to join the program and gain useful knowledge. This also creates good relationship and mutual understanding between the stakeholders and the organization.


IRPC CUBIC ACADEMY is a training project, featuring lectures and discussions, opinion sharing sessions, workshop seminars, and volunteering programs. Knowledgeable and experienced guest lecturers are invited from both inside and outside the company to give lectures to the participants.Each batch of the program takes about 4 months. The training is organized on Thursdays from 1 to 5 p.m. at IRPC Public Company Limited. In each batch, there are about 100 participants, of which about 80% are the company’s employees and about 20% are the outsiders.

Training topics can be categorized into 6 areas, Corporate Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility, Communication, Sustainability, Social Image and Trust, and Green Society.In addition to lectures and discussions, and opinion sharing sessions, participants will join volunteering programs in which they brainstorm ideas and cooperate with one another by getting support and facilitation from the company.


IRPC CUBIC ACADEMY is a project aiming to enhance stakeholders’ knowledge and understanding of social responsibilities and good corporate governance under IRPC’s road map, in accordance with its plan towards good corporate governance and guided by principles for a listed company by the Stock Exchange of Thailand, including anti-corruption, responsible entrepreneurship practices, sustainability management with ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) and organizational image building, which conform to the international standard.

After training, the stakeholders will gain knowledge and insights into social responsibilities and good corporate governance by an international standard, which is an important component of sustainable business. They will have an opportunity to freely and widely exchange their opinion among the participants, themselves and with the lecturers in order to apply the knowledge in their work, contributing to their organizations and related people. Moreover, company’s staff will play a role in public relations according to the company’s model, which encourages “all staff members to take a role in public relations”.


In this era when our world needs sustainable and secure development in all dimensions, especially that of human resources, IRPC Public Company Limited determines to create a “learning society” to develop “quality people” and organization with corporate governance.From such an idea, the IRPC CUBIC ACADEMY project was initiated in 2015 by integrating bodies of knowledge and experience to create training courses which provide participants, who are not only IRPC personnel but also interested people from outside, with useful knowledge and guidelines based on governance principle in order to apply them in their work and in the sustainable and secure development of the organization.

Up to now, 4 batches of the IRPC CUBIC ACADEMY project have been organized with a total of 400 people, consisting of 338 IRPC staff members and 62 outsiders. The company conducted a survey on the satisfaction of the participants from Batch 1 to Batch 4 and found out that the average score of the satisfaction of all 4 batches of participants was at 89 %, and most of the participants were satisfied with the program and would like the company to continue organizing the IRPC CUBIC ACADEMY project.Therefore, IRPC will go on organizing the next batch of the IRPC CUBIC ACADEMY project to enhance knowledge and potential of its personnel and the other stakeholders.
IRPC Public Company Limited is the 1st integrated petrochemical complex operating in the South East Asia and is the 3rd largest refinery complex in Thailand. Currently, IRPC operates 4 core businesses, include petroleum, petrochemical, port and tank, and asset management.