Lt. General Sudhir Sharma
Former Quarter Master Of General Indian Army. Advisor To Enterprise Asia
Lt. General Sharma retired from the Indian Army in 2008, after four decades of an illustrious and brilliant career of selfless service to the nation. During his career he has seen active service in India and other countries and has held very critical and challenging appointments in higher echelons of defense management, including a diplomatic assignment in London as the Defense Attaché of India. He commanded the largest operational force in the world
and led the logistics and administration of the 1.3 million strong Indian Army in his last assignment before retirement.
A strong votary of sustainable and responsible development he has developed expertise in areas of environment, renewable energy and ecology. Gen Sharma now writes on national strategy and security issues and lectures business leaders on decision making, motivation and positivity. He is deeply committed and passionate about entrepreneurship and has helped and guided many start up companies to realize their potential.