Anirban Ghosh
Mahindra Group
Anirban Ghosh is currently the Chief Sustainability Officer at the Mahindra Group. His role involves leading the strategy and implementation of the USD 19.4 billion Mahindra Group’s sustainability drive.
During his work Anirban has developed an award winning sustainability framework, enabled being the first in the world to commit to doubling energy efficiency, the first in the country to join the World Bank’s Carbon Pricing Leadership Consortium, commit to a carbon price and also commit to Science Based Targets. He has helped harness more water than is consumed in the Mahindra Group and is currently striving to make Mahindra a zero waste to landfill organization.
Anirban has enabled Mahindra World City to become a food waste free city, a model that is being replicated in other parts of India. He has, in partnership with the World Bank, helped create the Sustainable Housing Leadership Coalition to enable the spread of green buildings in India.
Anirban has spread sustainability in communities by leading the implementation of a national award-winning watershed development project that tripled per capita income for 20,000 Indians. He has helped create an EHS+ centre, in partnership with the Institute for Sustainable Communities, to spread sustainability in the supply chain.
Anirban writes a syndicated column for CNBC India and has written opinion pieces for publications like Financial Times, Huffington Post, Green Biz and Eco-business. He has been an invited speaker at UNFCCC conferences, the Global Climate Action Summit, The Climate Week, GRI Global Conference among others and has been recognized as a Distinguished Sustainability Officer.