8.30 AM
Welcome Address
Tan Sri Dr. Fong Chan OnnChairman of Enterprise Asia, Former Minister of Human Resources and Chairman of Sustainable Energy Development Authority, Malaysia
8.40 AM
Officiating Address
Dr. Wijarn SimachayaPermanent Secretary, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Thailand
8.50 AM
Keynote Address One
How win-win partnerships impact the CSR landscape in a global scale
Dr. Supachai PanitchpakdiFormer Secretary-General UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Thailand
9.35 AM
Keynote Address Two
Good Corporate Governance: The ingredients for success in the 21st century
Rapee SucharitkulSecretary-General, Securities and Exchange Commission, Thailand
10.20 AM
Networking Break
10.45 AM
Panel Discussion One
Accrediting stakeholders to be “Ambassadors” for sustainability
Increasing engagements with key stakeholder groups will evidently be the essential focus for most organizations in 2017 to achieve sustainability long-term growth. It is time to move beyond the walls of workplace to actively engage employees, partners, board of directors and vendors in the CSR and philanthropy initiatives to reach social purpose. Feed the “ambassadors” with the right sell and established a shared language for sustainability for progressing change and influence culture in a long-term basis. Leveraging on the influence of these ambassadors will be able to help break-down barriers and fight for the sustainable cause. People are willing and wanted to engage in CSR initiatives, organizations just need to create the opportunities and make it easy for them.- Examining the engagement strategies to convince all stakeholders to be on-board for the initiatives.
- Leveraging on employees, especially millennials, to accelerate CSR efforts
- Feeding employees with impactful and right sell and have them fight for your cause
- Ensuring that social purpose strategies resonate with the partners and suppliers’ objectives and purpose.
- Riding on the power of major events to draw stakeholders into the initiatives and become “ambassadors”
Moderator: Lt. General Sudhir Sharma. Advisor to Enterprise Asia, Former Quartermaster General, Indian Army, India
- Yodphot Wongrukmit. Senior Executive Vice President of Corporate Management and Sustainability Development, Bangchak Corporation Public Company Limited, Thailand
- Caroline Link. President, B. Grimm Real Estate, B.Grimm Group, Thailand
- Victor Tay. Board Member, United Nations Sustainable Development Network, President, Association for Persons with Special Needs Singapore, Singapore
- Tracy Nilsson. Senior Director, Social Environmental Affairs, Adidas Group, Hong Kong
11.45 AM
Keynote Address Three
Creating an organization with social purpose through industry-wide alliances
Just practicing initiatives is not good enough anymore. The bottom line is- do we value add to the world, planet and its people living in it? To create an organization with social purpose, it’s of immense importance to build capacity across the organization to deal with issues that was previously just sole responsibility of the CSR department.Secondly, establishing partnerships is undoubtedly a strong footstool in addressing sustainability challenges. We have many successful examples of multisector coalition such as the Sustainable Apparel Coalition and Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition. A process shift towards this change is decisive in creating a healthy ecosystem that benefits everyone.
- Identifying core social needs of your country/ community, and align these core business strategies to social needs to derive on clear sets of defined goals
- Transforming internal ecosystem to have a fully integrated business by mapping CSR roles across the entire corporate functions and determining collaborations across corporate functions.
- Accelerating sustainability efforts by establishing industry-wide global partnerships to drive positive change.
- Revolutionizing the approaches that form partnerships
- Mitigating the challenges in industry-wide partnerships
- How UN-SDGs come into the picture in partnerships
President and Chief Executive Officer, Asia Pacific, Interface, Singapore
12.30 PM
Networking Luncheon
1.30 PM
Panel Discussion Two
Sustainable Development Goals SDGs: Reshaping business and aligning business strategies with SDG and integrating SDG into heart of operations
A new set of SDGs been initiated January 2016, we will explore the progress in implementing strategies towards delivering on SDGs, identifying potential pitfalls and overcoming these pitfalls, and how to fight low engagement in delivering towards SDGs.Businesses should engage government as key stakeholder in SDG works. PwC Malcolm Preston said that by doing so companies will know if they are helping or hindering a government achieve its goals, know when the regulations likely to come, will be ahead of the curve and get competitive advantage. This year, organizations should become even more a driving force in ensuring works towards SDGs and the Paris Agreement progresses in momentum.
- Exploring the SDGs initiated January 2016
- Examining CSR priorities in business functions with the new goals
- Mapping SDGs across business activities, operations and strategies
- Picking the SDGs that are most relevant to the business operations to access its impact, and achieve the sustainable goals
- Anticipating future regulations from government and be ahead of the curve by engaging government in SDG works
- Realizing sustainable developments by 2030, is it achievable?
- David Galipeau. Chief, United Nations Social Impact Fund (UNSIF), Thailand
- Dr. Chaiyod Bunyagidj. Member to Board of Trustees, Asia Pacific Roundtable for Sustainable Consumption and Production (APRSCP), Thailand
- Dr. Eugene Chien. Advisor to Enterprise Asia, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan, Taiwan
- Dr. Naoki Adachi. Founder and CEO, Response Ability Inc. Executive Director, Japan Business Initiative for Biodiversity, Japan
- Alexandra Tracy. President, Hoi Ping Ventures HK, Hong Kong
2.30 PM
Keynote Address Four
Embracing Circular Innovation to build a Circular Economy: The role of a social purpose business shifting towards Circular Economy
Explore the approaches and strategies in eliminating environmental wastes, transform them into new input and new stream of revenue, doing good for the planet and business. Here, we look at the latest sustainable innovation and insights that play an important part towards a circular economy that will bring economic growth and employment.Graham Ross
CEO and Founder, Kusaga Athletic, Australia
3.15 PM
Panel Discussion Three
Building innovation to meet key sustainability challenges and realigning landscape for a responsible business
In this revolutionary global economy where rapid industrialization and globalization produced an era where strategies, functions, systems are mingled with technologies and innovation, there is a call for game-changing social innovation. Strategizing innovation into CSR processes, value chains, even local community involvement- connecting innovation to the entire social value chain is no longer an option but a necessity in racing towards a sustainability-progressive future.Be at the forefront of building a social purpose organization through innovative value chain and strategy, therefore meeting social needs.
- Defining the role of CSR innovation in building a social purpose organization. How will social purpose be like for businesses and the economy.
- Bringing innovation into supply chains, engaging retailers and vendors in purpose
- Technologies and innovation can contribute to social purpose.
- Innovative and focused approach in creating Shared Value partnerships
- How to be disruptors in the world of CSR, discover the attributes behind a CSR disruptor, and why are disruptors important
- Dr. Niven Huang. General Manager, KPMG Sustainability Consulting Co. Ltd., Taiwan
- Stuart Hawkins. Sustainability Director, Coca-Cola ASEAN, Thailand
- Dr. Darian McBain. Group Director of Sustainable Development, Thai Union, Thailand
- Dr. Milagros O. How. Executive Vice President, Universal Harvester, Philippines
4.15 PM
Summation and Closing
Datuk Seri Dr. Victor WeeAdvisor to Enterprise Asia, Malaysia