SinoPac Life, Million Green Actions
SinoPac Holdings

In order to fulfill its responsibilities as a global citizen, the Company called on its subsidiaries and the public to participate in the project of “ Million Green Actions” that was launched to respond to the world-famous environmental protection activity, Earth Day. The Company supported Taiwan to collect more than 1 million green actions based on the concept of “SinoPac Life, Million Green Actions” to promote various environmental issues on a monthly basis while motivating employees and the public to take actions in their daily life, such as food, clothing, and transportation, in the two aspects of earth decompression and ecological maintenance.FRAMEWORK AND STRATEGY
Since 2010, the Company has made a great deal of efforts concerning the issue of environmental sustainability in its operations and business. Meanwhile, it has also been selected as a constituent stock of Taiwan ESG Index, a sustainable benchmark index in Taiwan. In terms of charity, based on the concept of SinoPac Life, Million Green Actions the first second-hand book collection activity was held in May 2019; 11 environmental protection activities have been organised. The 17th of each month is set as the Company’s Environmental Protection Day and various environmental protection issues will be promoted on a monthly basis. Through the integration of online and offline activities, both volunteers’ and employees’ commitment has been strengthened to convey the Company’s philosophy that “SinoPac loves the Earth”.ACHIEVEMENT AND IMPACT
The Company promotes green finance mainly by combining core functions and business resources, while implementing the environmental protection activity of Million Green Actions to internal employees and external customers under the charity theme of environmental sustainability. It also plans and implements physical activities related to environmental protection, such as calling 702 volunteers to participate in six beach cleaning activities, and holding five environmental charity activities, including environmental knowledge education and children’s toys related to ecology. As of January 2020, more than 20,000 people had completed nearly 260,000 green actions.FUTURE DIRECTION
The year of 2020 is the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. The Company responded to the theme of “Comprehensive Action #EarthHelp” initiated by the Taiwan Environmental Information Association, and pledged to make the Earth operate sustainably using 300,000 green actions a year. It will continue to put into practice the attitude of SinoPac Life. As such, the idea of green life will not only be an action but it will be transformed into a habit, while promoting “sustainable life” for the future through participating in actions, cherishing resource, reducing waste and garbage, and recycling. By starting to change from ourselves, our family and friends will be prompted to join the green actions together so as to contribute to the Earth collectively.
SinoPac Holdings was established in 2002, consisting of
subsidiaries in financial services including banking, securities,
investment trusts, leasing, and venture capital. The Company is
based in Taiwan and has presences in China, Hong Kong, Macau,
Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar, Los Angeles, and London.